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Alma De Mariachi

Library: Menu Music

Composer(s): Alejandro Romero

Album: Latino 1


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Amy intrudes on Carmen's business, which results in an injury

Amora Mia

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Willy Hoffman

Album: XEL-002 Grand Tourismo


  • [37. Workplace Bullying] Garrett sees that Glenn still hasn't fired Ken who is in the process of nearly injuring a customer trying to make a coat fit him


Library: Intersound

Composer(s): Norman Candler, John Fiddy, Franck Pourcel

Album: ISCD-0104 Listen to the Radio: Franck Pourcel


  • [15. Guns, Pills and Birds] Mateo and Dina argue while trying to catch the crow

At the Checkout Counter

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): William Martin

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [6. Secret Shopper] Secret shopper video of extremely poor service at the Richmond Heights Cloud 9 store


Back Seat Bingo

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Werner Tautz

Album: XEL-012 Cocktail Lounge


  • [45. Groundhog Day] Amy accidentally injures Gary the Groundhog after flirting with his handler, Devon

Bachelor Pad Chic

Library: FirstCom

Composer(s): Daniel Stein

Album: FC-S67 Bachelor Pad


  • [7. Color Wars] Jonah pretends to be supportive of Adam's grilling YouTube channel

Ballet Music No. 2

Library: Starborne Productions

Composer(s): Franz Schubert, Robert Walsh

Album: HM-094 Film Archive 2: Familiar Tunes and Cheesy Muzik


  • [8. Wedding Day Sale] Dina helps a woman fit into a dress

Basket Full of Wishes

Library: Starborne Productions

Composer(s): John Sbarra

Album: SLD-71 Movie Themes of Tomorrow #1


  • [8. Wedding Day Sale] Garrett and Jonah watch two women fight over a dress

Betty's Dream (A)

Library: Endgame

Composer(s): Laurie Robinson, Emmanuel Fratianni

Album: END-0126 Going Up?


  • [8. Wedding Day Sale] Garrett and Jonah help pick out a ring pillow for Cheyenne

Blue Light Special

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Marc Ferrari, William Martin

Album: MSTR-160 Elevator Music 3


  • [4. Mannequin] Mateo takes over for Amy and assigns everyone present to freezer duty for petty reasons


Library: KPM Main Series

Composer(s): Alan Hawkshaw

Album: KPM-0326 Sounds of the Sixties & Seventies: Part 2


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Bo and Cheyenne continue to fine tune their potential Cloud 9 jingle
  • [7. Color Wars] Jonah finally realizes that Adam is Amy's wife thanks to Garrett


Careless Whisper

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May, Marc Ferrari

Album: MSTR-246 Elevator Music 4


  • [5. Shoplifter] Jonah asks Dina about her first period

Champagne Breakfast

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Werner Elix

Album: XEL-022 Blondes Have More Fun


  • [39. Health Fund] Garrett shows Mateo how much money he's earned in the donation jar

Cheek to Cheek

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Heinz Buchold

Album: XEL-001 Singin' Easy


  • [56. Back to School] Kelly is over Jonah, much to Carol's disappointment

City Lights

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Jonah presents ideas to Cynthia to improve the store, and she thinks they're his and not Glenn's
  • [4. Mannequin] Dina offers to raise Cheyenne's baby; Glenn and Dina get into an argument

Clothes Call

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May, Marc Ferrari

Album: MSTR-246 Elevator Music 4


  • [7. Color Wars] Garrett guilts a customer into buying a more expensive bike

Cloud Nine

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Jack Alfred

Album: XEL-033 Baby Boom Boutique


  • [56. Back to School] After propositioning sex with Amy, Noam locks himself in a tent out of shame from being rejected

Coconut Cocktail

Library: Kosinus

Composer(s): Lionel Wendling

Album: KOS-0300 Elevator Music


  • [5. Shoplifter] Amy finds Jonah watching Emma playing video games
  • [6. Secret Shopper] Amy and Jonah get into a squabble over the store intercom

Convenience Store

Library: Juice Music

Composer(s): Syd Dale

Album: JM-0028 The Sounds of Syd Dale


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Larry helps Glenn pronounce "tartar" correctly

Cool Cat

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [6. Secret Shopper] Jonah and Amy argue over where charcoal is supposed to go

Cool Daddy Charm

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Heinz Kiessling

Album: XEL-021 Poolside Party


  • [39. Health Fund] Marcus clears Mateo's ear infection by pouring a can of root beer into his ear
  • [45. Groundhog Day] Amy breaks up with Tate, and it turns extremely messy
  • [57. Baby Shower] Cheyenne and Sandra confront Amy about not being invited to her baby shower

Cupcake Provocateur

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Werner Tautz

Album: XEL-022 Blondes Have More Fun


  • [38. Sal's Dead] Amy and Garrett find the arguing couple that violently escalates into Kelly stabbing Jonah to death... which turns out to be a Halloween prank


Dirty Weekend

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Jim Blake

Album: XCD-004 Cheeze


  • [36. Part-Time Hires] Amy lets Emma off from mopping a slippery floor, causing Justine to slip and break her jaw
  • [58. Toxic Workplace] Mateo is envious of Kelly's golden vest

Drift Away

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Chris White, Danny Schogger

Album: XCD-028 Sax Trax


  • [35. Brett's Dead] Jonah tries asking Myrtle about Garrett's condition which leads her to rambling an endless story
  • [36. Part-Time Hires] Mateo shoos away Kelly the new hire, then he flirts with Scott
  • [40. Christmas Eve] Garrett gifts a bathmat to Jonah and the two have a passive-aggressive conversation
  • [45. Groundhog Day] Before Amy can ask Jonah if he would date her, she finds out he's hanging out with Kelly

Drive Me Home

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Andrew Bojanic, Danny Tieger, Elizabeth Hooper

Album: XCD-191 Singer-Songwriter


  • [34. Grand Re-Opening] Mateo meets Jeff again and learns he's back with his former ex-boyfriend Chad


El Relampago

Library: Global Graffiti

Composer(s): Skip Adams

Album: GGM-001 Latin: Mariachi


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Carmen promotes Señor Cloud Salsa with a fake Mexican accent

Eternal Hero

Library: PostHaste Music

Composer(s): Mark Petrie

Album: PHM-001 PostHaste Music Vol. 1


  • [58. Toxic Workplace] Kelly is awarded not only Employee of the Month, but also the coveted golden vest


Library: Abaco Music Library

Composer(s): Mark Batey

Album: AB-187 Daytime Heaven


  • [98. California (Part 1)] Mateo gifts Cheyenne a bottle of champagne as an early 21st birthday gift, of which she has no plans for a party



Library: Kosinus Archives

Composer(s): Janko Nilovic, Louis Delacour

Album: KOA-4008 Janko Nilovic Anthology


  • [4. Mannequin] Glenn and Dina test each other's parenting skills with baby dolls
  • [7. Color Wars] Maren at the bakery literally writes down everything Glenn and Dina tell him to put on a cake

Flower Child

Library: FirstCom

Composer(s): Daniel Stein

Album: FC-S75 Bachelor Pad, Vol. 2


  • [7. Color Wars] Amy and Adam argue in the store

Fresh Outlook

Library: FirstCom

Composer(s): Colleen Coil

Album: FC-U107Q Relax


  • [7. Color Wars] Dina gets frustrated that Glenn wants stuff for the party that only he likes


Girl From Copacabana

Library: Kosinus

Composer(s): Marc Durst

Album: KOS-0300 Elevator Music


  • [7. Color Wars] Garrett sees that Team Gold is winning

Girl From Ypsilanti

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Marc Durst

Album: MSTR-028 Elevator Music/Cocktail Piano


  • [10. Demotion] Cheyenne complains about the blood on her makeup tools and Jonah asks to speak with Dina in private
  • [11. Labor] Dina hands Garrett his announcement sheet and he lets her read one over the intercom

Going Up?

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): William Martin

Album: MSTR-042 Elevator Music 1


  • [5. Shoplifter] Dina laments to Glenn about potentially losing her job before the woman they let go sets off the security scanner


Happy Campers

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May, Marc Ferrari

Album: MSTR-246 Elevator Music 4


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Bo works on a Cloud 9 jingle with Cheyenne's encouragement for a cash prize

Heads Up

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Sly Silver, Sir Realist

Album: XCD-161 Nu Soul


  • [36. Part-Time Hires] As Amy tries to make go backs fun for Emma, an irate customer snaps at her, causing Amy to lash back at him in defense


Impossible is Not Mexico

Library: Music House

Composer(s): Fred de Fred, Marion Benoist

Album: MH-054 C'est Euro Cha Cha Cha!


  • [7. Color Wars] Amy convinces a boy to get his parents to buy him loads of Minions merch

In a Bossa Mood

Library: KPM 1000 LP Series

Composer(s): Gordon Rees

Album: KPMLP-1063 Contemporary Colour


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Jonah continues to work at the pharmacy despite Garrett's mockery

In Tha Hood

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Chris White, Danny Schogger

Album: XCD-028 Sax Trax


  • [34. Grand Re-Opening] Garrett gives in and lets Jonah stay with him
  • [36. Part-Time Hires] Cheyenne and Mateo watch Scott now flirting with Carol for her employee badge

In the Lobby

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May

Album: MSTR-042 Elevator Music 1


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Before Cynthia can leave, she is barraged by Mateo, Dina, Cheyenne, and Bo
  • [5. Shoplifter] Jonah meets Amy's daughter, Emma, while stocking a cooler; Cheyenne attempts to gross out Mateo by talking about gross birth-related things
  • [7. Color Wars] Jonah sells an expensive grill to a man, Adam, who he doesn't know is Amy's husband

In the Mood

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Stephen McIntosh, Joseph Charles

Album: XCD-007 Funky Soul Jamz


  • [39. Health Fund] Jonah decides to create an employee health fund
  • [57. Baby Shower] Mateo helps Dina take a Christmas card photo before offering to help make it better


Jet Setter

Library: ELIAS Music

Composer(s): Matthew Wilcox

Album: EM-1305 Kitschy


  • [12. Olympics] Jonah and Amy find Cheyenne misleading other employees by thinking that wishes they write down on index cards will come true
  • [15. Guns, Pills and Birds] Amy on the phone with Adam who can't take Emma for the weekend

Joe Detective

Library: FirstCom

Composer(s): Daniel Stein

Album: FC-S75 Bachelor Pad, Vol. 2


  • [6. Secret Shopper] Dina assumes an elderly black woman is the secret shopper

Just Browsing

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): William Martin

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [7. Color Wars] Glenn casually mentions to Amy that there's a $100 prize for each winning member in addition to the pizza party


La Pomme De L'Amore

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Jim Blake

Album: XCD-004 Cheeze


  • [35. Brett's Dead] Amy explains to Glenn about what happened to Brett, who turned out to have survived the tornado
  • [45. Groundhog Day] Tate asks out Amy for a drink

Lakeside Lullaby

Library: JW Vault Collection

Composer(s): Ronald Binge

Album: JWV-0119 JW Vault Vol. 14


  • [98. California (Part 1)] Sandra is wanting to adopt a child when she and Jerry think the time is right

Lamento Sem Fim

Library: Kosinus

Composer(s): Franck Sarkissian

Album: KOS-0300 Elevator Music


  • [6. Secret Shopper] Garrett treats a customer nice as if she's the secret shopper before Mateo butts in

Latte Time (A)

Library: Endgame

Composer(s): William Martin

Album: END-0126 Going Up?


  • [5. Secret Shopper] Jonah and Garrett find an elderly man sleeping on a display sofa who turns out to be dead

Lickety Lips

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Heinz Kiessling

Album: XEL-022 Blondes Have More Fun


  • [38. Sal's Dead] Garrett reads pages of texts that Amy sent to Kelly in an attempt to break her and Jonah up

Liquid Love

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Heinz Kitschenberg

Album: XEL-012 Cocktail Lounge


  • [39. Health Fund] Amy tries to also take credit for creating the health fund

Living on Luck

Library: A-Tone

Composer(s): Steven Trip, Weldon Parks

Album: ATN-002 Baggage Room at the Greyhound


  • [45. Groundhog Day] Cheyenne and Mateo try guessing who Amy went out with last night

Lost in a Toon

Library: Music House

Composer(s): Fred de Fred, Marion Benoist

Album: MH-054 C'est Euro Cha Cha Cha!


  • [7. Color Wars] Mateo gets an answer from Cheyenne of Team Gold's lucky streak by giving her an Indian burn


Made in the Shade

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Werner Bild

Album: XEL-033 Baby Boom Boutique


  • [45. Groundhog Day] Mateo tries to set up Amy with his cousin, Castor, under the guise he's a customer who needs help
  • [56. Back to School] Jeff's surprise is revealed to be a virtual greeter featuring an avatar of Myrtle

Make the World Bright (A)

Library: Sonoton Music

Composer(s): John Epping

Album: SCD-0149 Sunny Days & Happy People: Jeff Newmann


  • [98. California (Part 1)] Glenn offers one of his adopted kids, 17-year-old Tony, to Sandra

Mall Talk

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Marc Ferrari, Stephen Lang

Album: MSTR-160 Elevator Music 3


  • [4. Mannequin] Cheyenne has difficulty deciding if she wants to give her baby up for adoption, which Glenn offers to help her with


Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Glenn gives Cynthia a tour of his store
  • [4. Mannequin] Cheyenne decides she's going to keep her baby
  • [5. Shoplifter] Jonah finds Emma is still in the women's restroom

Malt Shop Blues

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Glenn sulks in the cafateria with ice cream "framples" (free samples), then he and Amy mock Jonah for having a crush on Cynthia

Maraschino Moon

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Werner Tautz

Album: XEL-012 Cocktail Lounge


  • [39. Health Fund] Marcus asks Amy to sign a card thanking Jonah for the health fund

Martini Genie

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Heinz Kiessling

Album: XEL-004 High Society


  • [37. Workplace Bullying] Garrett suggests that Glenn fire Ken for being a terrible security guard
  • [38. Sal's Dead] Amy is still on Jonah's phone and accidentally matches him with Kelly
  • [43. High Volume Store] Jonah suggests that he, Amy, and Dina check out the Quad-A Cloud 9 store in Crestwood

Martini, Very Dry

Library: FirstCom

Composer(s): Daniel Stein

Album: FC-S67 Bachelor Pad


  • [4. Mannequin] Garrett confronts Amy for shirking her job as she makes yet another display with the Jonah mannequin
  • [7. Color Wars] Amy helps a new recruit, Trina, and Garrett makes an announcement to help Team Red

Meet Me at the Mall

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May, Marc Ferrari

Album: MSTR-246 Elevator Music 4


  • [7. Color Wars] Glenn asks Dina if she'd like to help him plan the pizza party for the winning Color Wars team

Mod Hipster

Library: FirstCom

Composer(s): Daniel Stein

Album: FC-S75 Bachelor Pad, Vol. 2


  • [4. Mannequin] Jonah attempts to get back at Amy with a mannequin that looks nothing like her

Mr. Cool

Library: FirstCom

Composer(s): Daniel Stein

Album: FC-S75 Bachelor Pad, Vol. 2


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Amy, Mateo, and Jonah make Glenn look presentable

My Sweet Lady

Library: Intersound

Composer(s): Francis Weyer

Album: ISCD-0116 Magic Dreams: The Norman Candler Strings


  • [9. All-Nighter] Dina tells Glenn that she is resigning from her position and demoting herself to a sales associate


Never Without You

Library: Kosinus

Composer(s): Lionel Wendling

Album: KOS-0183 Swing Dreams


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Larry and Glenn inspect each other's mouths for tartar with a flashlight

New Bossa

Library: Selected Sound

Composer(s): Ulf Meyer

Album: SEL-5256 Bossa and More Cocktails


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Glenn attempts to make himself look cool for his upcoming Stratus interview
  • [10. Demotion] Dina flirts with Jonah who reluctantly agrees to go on a date with her


On Sale Now

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [5. Shoplifter] Dina recruits Amy to help her play "good cop, bad cop" with the supposed shoplifter
  • [7. Color Wars] Jonah tries to dissuade Adam from buying $2000 worth of stuff before Amy notices

One Moment Please

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May, Marc Ferrari

Album: MSTR-246 Elevator Music 4


  • [4. Mannequin] Cheyenne asks the first question of her and Bo's questionnaire for Dina and Glenn

One Note Bossa

Library: Kosinus

Composer(s): Marc Durst

Album: KOS-0062 Latin Jazz


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Jonah is put in charge of the pharmacy after Dr. Tate storms off; Larry is now bothering Amy
  • [4. Mannequin] Glenn helps Cheyenne stock Crock-Pots
  • [6. Secret Shopper] Dina harasses a customer shopping for a greeting card under the assumption he's the secret shopper

Open Late Weekends

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Customers at the pharmacy start getting rowdy for the last vaccine


Passion for Fashion

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May, Marc Ferrari

Album: MSTR-246 Elevator Music 4


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Garrett makes himself unusable for the Stratus photographer stalking him

Pink Deville

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Paul Rothman

Album: XEL-012 Cocktail Lounge


  • [38. Sal's Dead] Sal's body is discovered to have been stuck in the wall for over a year
  • [43. High Volume Store] Jeff gives ominous, conflicting information to Jonah and Amy about what will change at the store
  • [57. Baby Shower] Jonah suggests that Amy does have a baby shower, albeit a small one


Composer(s): Antar Sudhananda

Album: Paradise Cafe


  • [35. Brett's Dead] Jonah reminisces that Brett is the first person he's known who died, then he and Amy wonder how Garrett wound up in a wheelchair


Quality Assured

Library: KPM Main Series

Composer(s): Dick Walter

Album: KPM-0246 Background Music


  • [11. Labor] Amy, Jonah, and Mateo brainstorm on how to raise money for Cheyenne due to Cloud 9 not allowing paid maternity leave

Quick Bite of Life

Library: Mixtape

Composer(s): Matt Smith, Daniel Holter

Album: XMT-161 Rising Pop


  • [36. Part-Time Hires] Mateo keeps flirting with Scott but this time turns down his request for a badge to the bathroom


Return to Montana*

Composer(s): Frank Chacksfield

Album: Relaxing Mood Music, Vol. 3


  • [5. Shoplifter] Jonah picks up feminine hygiene products for Emma

Romanza Mundo

Library: Extreme Music (Passport)

Composer(s): Hans-Joachim Rhinow

Album: XEL-015 Latino Beano


  • [38. Sal's Dead] Amy wants to alter Jonah and Kelly's schedules so they never see each other before she and Garrett - sick from candy corn - overhear them yelling from afar

Rua Ribiero

Library: Extreme Music (Passport)

Composer(s): Gilberto Candido

Album: XPS-110 Passport to Brazil


  • [36. Part-Time Hires] Amy is jealous of Adam's close relationship to Emma and relays this to Jonah
  • [57. Baby Shower] Glenn uses Amy's baby shower to throw one for Jerusha as well


Samba De Felicidade

Library: Kosinus World

Composer(s): Franck Sarkissian

Album: KOL-0034 Songs of Brazil


  • [6. Secret Shopper] Jonah fails to apologize to Amy

Secret Affair

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Hans Hammerschmid

Album: XEL-005 Cafe Romantique


  • [37. Workplace Bullying] Dina shows Jonah her first write-up before creating a mess in aisle 9 and culminating in a threat to fight him outside the store
  • [39. Health Fund] Jonah has racked up over $37k in claims

Shake It, Don't Break It

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Peter Jacques

Album: XEL-021 Poolside Party


  • [38. Sal's Dead] Customers have started gathering around and think that Sal's corpse dangling out of the wall is an elaborate Halloween display)

Shopping Mall

Library: Standard Music Library

Composer(s): Ben Lee-Delisle

Album: ESL-043 On Location


  • [12. Olympics] Amy meets her childhood Olympic hero, Missy Jones
  • [15. Guns, Pills and Birds] NRA members hold a pro-gun rally in the store

Shopping Spree

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May, Marc Ferrari

Album: MSTR-246 Elevator Music 4


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Garrett asks Jonah to warn him if the Stratus photographer is in the store
  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Dr. Tate leaves Jonah to deal with telling impatient customers that there's only one vaccine syringe left
  • [11. Labor] Glenn leaves out a large jug to help donate money for Cheyenne, which he then fills with coins from the other two jars next to it

Sidewalks & Sunshine

Library: Mixtape

Composer(s): Matt Smith, Daniel Holter

Album: XMT-169 Light Pop


  • [36. Part-Time Hires] Mateo successfully flirts with Scott, which Cheyenne thinks he has an ulterior motive due to asking for Mateo's badge to get into the employee restroom

Smooth As Silk

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Marc Ferrari, Stephen Lang

Album: MSTR-160 Elevator Music 3


  • [5. Shoplifter] Dina tells Glenn about the supposed shoplifter she apprehended

Soft to the Touch

Library: Score Production Music

Composer(s): Dick Walter

Album: SCORE-0015 Nice and Easy A


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Mateo helps Larry who is indicisive on toothbrushes; Jonah is stuck helping Dr. Tate
  • [11. Labor] Glenn gives Cheyenne paid time off to care for her new baby, Harmonica


Library: Juice Music

Composer(s): Matt Koskenmaki, David Vanacore

Album: JM-0090 Reality TV Scores: Comedy and Clichés


  • [3. Shots and Salsa] Mateo is now distributing free samples of Señor Cloud Salsa, playing the character "Jose"

Spring Jinx

Library: Cavendish Music

Composer(s): Peter Durrent

Album: CAV-77 60s and 70s Cheese


  • [98. California (Part 1)] Dina crafts a lie to Jonah that Amy is at the eye doctor

Spring Time

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Stephen McIntosh, Joseph Charles

Album: XCD-007 Funky Soul Jamz


  • [43. High Volume Store] Mateo has to help Kelly sell a 4K television


Library: Intersound

Composer(s): Klaus Schoepfer

Album: ISCD-0202 Goodies from the Cheese Shop Vol. 3: Happy Beat


  • [12. Olympics] Amy reading about Missy Jones' accomplishments at a young age upsets Cheyenne
  • [15. Guns, Pills and Birds] Jonah mans the gun counter and is very hesitant to sell a gun

Spy Guy

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Heinz Kitschenberg

Album: XEL-012 Cocktail Lounge


  • [38. Sal's Dead] Mateo subconsciously acts creepy while wearing his "creepface" disguise
  • [39. Health Fund] Sandra thanks Jonah for now being able to afford an inhaler


Library: Galerie

Composer(s): Eddie Warner

Album: GAL-075 Kitschorama Vol. 1


  • [7. Color Wars] Amy finds Jonah talking a customer out of an expensive coffee maker to go with a cheaper model


Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Marc Ferrari, Stephen Lang

Album: MSTR-160 Elevator Music 3


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Amy catches Jonah gussying up in a mirror

Suave in Mauve

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Marc Ferrari, William Martin

Album: MSTR-160 Elevator Music 3


  • [4. Mannequin] Cheyenne's questionnaire continues
  • [5. Shoplifter] Amy has Jonah cover her position in jewelry as Glenn asks to talk with her

Summertime Hearts

Library: Sonoton Music

Composer(s): Mac Prindy, Barry Ryder

Album: SCD-0750 80s Pop Guitar: Alan Parker & Wolf Nanssen


  • [12. Olympics] While talking to Jonah about America's problems, Mateo accidentally realizes he is an illegal alien
  • [15. Guns, Pills and Birds] The automatic doors are still open, letting a crow into the store

Sunny Smiles

Library: Intersound

Composer(s): Kapono Beamer

Album: ISCD-0117 Paradise Found: Kapono Beamer


  • [12. Olympics] Missy Jones shows off an inspirational index card she's had since childhood to Amy and Cheyenne; after an inspirational talk from Missy, Cheyenne decides to quit school and become an Olympic gymnast


The Gardener

Library: FirstCom

Composer(s): Colleen Coil

Album: FC-U107Q Relax


  • [8. Wedding Day Sale] Amy finds Cheyenne and Bo shopping for their wedding

The Girl from Rio

Library: West One Music

Composer(s): Ray Martin

Album: WOM-034 Lounge


  • [4. Mannequin] Dina overhears Glenn talking on the phone about Cheyenne's baby

The Story of Your Life

Library: Kosinus

Composer(s): Lionel Wendling, Gregory Ott

Album: KOS-0183 Swing Dreams


  • [6. Secret Shopper] Mateo shows Garrett his plan to bribe Jonah - who he assumes is the secret shopper - with meatballs he likes

The Sweaty Tache (A)

Library: KPM Main Series

Composer(s): Danny Fromajio, Peter Hajioff

Album: KPM-0694 Cheesecore Deluxe


  • [7. Color Wars] Dina and Glenn get creative by making a makeshift piñata out of a large teddy bear

Top Floor Por Favor

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Joe Lervold

Album: MSTR-042 Elevator Music 1


  • [6. Secret Shopper] Glenn is stressing out over the secret shopper

Try This On

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Marc Ferrari, William Martin

Album: MSTR-160 Elevator Music 3


  • [5. Shoplifter] Glenn asks Mateo and Cheyenne to help collect donation money for Charles' family as they keep sitting on the couch


Upbeat Mood (A)

Library: Sonoton Music

Composer(s): Geoff Bastow, Jim Harbourg

Album: SCD-0511 Cloud Nine


  • [11. Labor] Amy and Jonah are briefly put on hold with corporate after the latter accidentally said the word "union"


Warm and Fuzzy

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): William Martin

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [10. Demotion] Garrett makes an impromptu announcement hinting that Jonah should not go talk to Dina
  • [11. Labor] Jonah stacks toilet paper as Amy breaks the news that Glenn was fired, leading to a storewide walk-out

Watching Over Me

Library: ReverbNation Music

Composer(s): Robert Burrison

Album: RNM-0006 Sun Kissed


  • [4. Mannequin] Glenn attempts to persuade Cheyenne and Bo to let him adopt their baby before the baler alarm goes off


Library: OneMusic

Composer(s): Barbara Boarman

Album: OMCJZ-005L Jazzing Around


  • [4. Mannequin] The Jonah mannequin is set up at a banana display

What's Your Poison

Library: Extreme Music (Easy Listening)

Composer(s): Benny Sky

Album: XEL-012 Cocktail Lounge


  • [37. Workplace Bullying] Jonah indirectly admits to Jeff that he is being bullied by Dina
  • [56. Back to School] Jeff can't bring Myrtle back, but he does have a surprise planned instead; Kelly says goodbye to the skeleton crew and tells Dina about her day
  • [58. Toxic Workplace] Amy sends Cheyenne to plan everyone's carpools just so she'll go away

When the Lights Are Low (A)

Library: Endgame

Composer(s): William Martin

Album: END-0126 Going Up?


  • [4. Mannequin] Amy, Garrett, and Jonah find a mannequin that greatly resembles the latter; the Jonah mannequin is dressed like a female figure skater

Who's That Girl

Library: Extreme Music (X-Series)

Composer(s): Danny Schogger, Chris White

Album: XCD-028 Sax Trax


  • [36. Part-Time Hires] Glenn finally meets Kelly as she's doing go backs and reminds he to clock in tomorrow as she forgot to do so today

Who's the Bossa?

Library: ELIAS Music

Composer(s): Brian Scherman, Nate Morgan

Album: EM-1043 Delicious and Dusty


  • [15. Guns, Pills and Birds] Garrett tells Dina and Mateo about the crow

Window Shopping (A)

Library: KPM Main Series

Composer(s): Robert Foster

Album: KPM-0681 Café Surreal


  • [4. Mannequin] Jonah finds his lookalike mannequin sitting on a display toilet and has had enough
  • [5. Shoplifter] Garrett sets up a sitting competition between Mateo and Cheyenne with the prize being the fancy display sofa that Charles died on

Wining and Dining

Library: Cue Source

Composer(s): Andre Mayeux

Album: CS-022 Dining & Designing


  • [15. Guns, Pills and Birds] A crow helps itself to Garrett's fries, whom he takes a liking to

Women's Wear

Library: MasterSource

Composer(s): Daniel May

Album: MSTR-109 Elevator Music 2


  • [2. Magazine Profile] Cynthia arrives at the store, whom Dina promptly threatens
  • [11. Labor] Glenn and Amy watch Steve eat lunch


You and I

Library: Kosinus

Composer(s): Lionel Wendling, Gregory Ott

Album: KOS-0183 Swing Dreams


  • [6. Secret Shopper] Mateo shows Garrett his plan to bribe Jonah - who he assumes is the secret shopper - with meatballs he likes

You Are My Rhapsody

Library: Starborne Productions

Composer(s): John Sbarra

Album: SLD-71 Movie Themes of Tomorrow #1


  • [8. Wedding Day Sale] The Cloud 9 staff prepare for the store's one day wedding sale before opening

You're All I Need

Library: Producer's Music Library

Composer(s): Barry Devorzon, William McDermott

Album: PROD-0011 Guitars Center Stage


  • [4. Mannequin] Amy apologizes for the Jonah mannequin prank before Jonah sets himself up for teasing
  • [7. Color Wars] Garrett gets suspicious as to why Team Gold is winning, and Mateo seeks an answer
  • [8. Wedding Day Sale] Bo realizes that Amy's game with the scan gun was to trick him into buying baby needs and he runs away
*Not a stock music track.